We are a member of the Insurance Council of NZ and adhere to the Fair Insurance Code, which provides you with assurance that we have high standards of service to our customers. Find out more about the Fair Insurance Code.
We strive to do things the right way and keep our customers happy. If you have a complaint about our product or service, our objective is to resolve it in a fair, transparent and timely manner.
Regardless of whether the complaint involves our staff, assessor, investigator, distributor or the service we provide, please contact us.

We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 5 business days of receiving it.

We will aim to respond to your complaint within 10 business days of receipt.

If we cannot respond to your complaint within that period, because further information, assessment or investigation is required, we will discuss reasonable alternative timeframes with you.

We will keep you informed of the progress of our response to your complaint.

If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint or if we cannot agree on extending the timeframe beyond 10 business days, we will treat your complaint as a dispute. This means you can have it reviewed by an internal dispute resolution officer who has the appropriate experience, knowledge and authority to manage the dispute. We will tell you who to contact for this review.

We will acknowledge receipt within 5 business days of receiving your dispute.

We will aim to respond to your dispute within 10 business days of receipt.

If we cannot respond to your dispute within that period, because further information, assessment or investigation is required, we will discuss reasonable alternative timeframes with you.

If we can’t agree on alternative timeframes, you may be able to take your dispute to the external dispute resolution scheme noted below. We will keep you informed of the progress of our review of your dispute, at least every 20 business days.

If we cannot resolve your complaint to your satisfaction through our internal dispute resolution process within 2 months, we will explain our reasons to you in writing and provide you with a ‘deadlock’ letter so you can take your complaint to our independent, external dispute resolution scheme.

We will respond to your dispute in writing giving reasons for our decision.

We are a member of Financial Services Complaints Limited (FSCL) which is a free-of-charge independent External Dispute Resolution Scheme. It provides a free and independent dispute resolution service for consumers who have general insurance disputes falling within its terms.

To find out more about the role of FSCL and FSCL’s Terms of Reference, please refer to www.fscl.org.nz or you can contact them as follows:

Financial Services Complaints Limited
PO Box 5967
Lambton Quay
Wellington 6145
Freephone: 0800 347 257
Email: [email protected]

We only ask for and take into account relevant information when deciding on your complaint.

You can seek access to information about you that we have relied on in assessing your complaint, and correct any mistakes or inaccuracies.

We can withhold that information from you in some circumstances. If we withhold information from you, we will give you reasons. You can ask us to put our reasons in writing. You can request a review of our reasons through our complaints handling procedures or the Privacy Commissioner. You can contact the Privacy Commissioner on 0800 803 909 or visit the Privacy Commissioner website.

Where an error or mistake in handling your complaint is identified, we will immediately initiate action to correct it.

Our privacy policy also applies to the way we handle your personal information. This is available at Club Marine NZ Privacy or by contacting us on 0800 11 CLUB (2582).

Allianz Australia Insurance Limited ABN 15 000 122 850 (incorporated in Australia) trading as Club Marine. Copyright © 2024 Allianz New Zealand